Comfortklimaat B.V. has been reviewed on Image Review - Image Review

Comfortklimaat B.V. is dé specialist op het gebied van klimaatbeheersing voor zowel particulieren als bedrijven. Het bedrijf biedt op maat gemaakte oplossingen voor airconditioning, verwarming, ventilatie en luchtbehandeling, met een sterke focus op duurzaamheid en energie-efficiëntie. Of het nu gaat om het installeren van een energiezuinige airco in uw woning of het ontwerpen van een compleet klimaatsysteem voor een bedrijfsruimte, levert hoogwaardige producten en deskundig advies. Met jarenlange ervaring in de branche en een breed scala aan innovatieve producten, waaronder warmtepompen en slimme thermostaten, streeft naar het creëren van een optimaal binnenklimaat voor elke situatie. Hun professionele team begeleidt klanten van begin tot eind, van het eerste advies tot de installatie en nazorg. Bij staan klanttevredenheid, kwaliteit en duurzaamheid centraal, waardoor ze een betrouwbare partner zijn voor al uw klimaatbeheersingsbehoeften.

Hear What Our Clients Say

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024

René S

“Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF luidruchtig”

De buitenunit is vrij luidruchtig, lage bromtoon. ..

Date- 25-09-2024


Gree Amber GWH09YD Nordic


Toshiba buitendeel RAS-2M14U2AVG-E


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zwart E26Xi airconditioner


8 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-1/2


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND28T/E-T


400V Wing Luchtgordijn 200cm Wit


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND22T/E-T


230V Wing Luchtgordijn 100cm Wit


Daikin FTXP20 binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 100 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Toshiba Daiseikai RAS-16PKVPG-E / RAS-16PAVPG-E airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta Mirror TM35Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta Mirror TM50Xi airconditioner


LG-MU5R30 buitendeel airconditioner


400V Wing Luchtgordijn 150cm Wit


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND63PLS/C-T


Daikin FTXA42BT Zwarthout binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZS-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Nippon 3,5 kw airconditioner inverter


4 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-1/2


LG CL09F binnendeel airconditioner


LG CL18F binnendeel airconditioner


Stel zelf een set samen Daikin


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZS-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT71 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZSX-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE50VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Gree GWH12AEC G-Tech airconditioner


Daikin FTXJ50AS Emura Zilver airconditioner set


LG-UT48F cassette model 1 fase airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDCW140VNX-A + HSB140 + pomp + bediening paneel


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N63G/A3A-K


Daikin FTXM42R binnendeel airconditioner


LG-MA09R airconditioner binnendeel


Daikin FCAG100B cassette model airconditioner 230 volt


LG CM24F binnendeel airconditioner


Gree 2,5 kw Fairy GWH09ACC binnendeel airconditioner


50 liter ecopuffer buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


LG CL12F binnendeel airconditioner


Gree GWH12ACC Fairy airconditioner antraciet grijs


Condenspomp SI-30 (10 m opvoer hoogte)


Mitsubishi FDCW71VNX-A + HSB100 + pomp + bediening paneel


Witte muur rozette 90 mm


Gree GUD140ZD vloer/plafond set


10 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-1/2


LG CM24F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE40VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Daikin FTXM35R binnendeel airconditioner


400 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZSX-WB airconditioner


12 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€3825 subsidie)


LG-HM121MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,- (1 FASE)


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N56G/A3A-K


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP50VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-3HA50VF + 3 x MSZ-HR25VF


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZSX-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Beugel voor schuin dak 140 kilo + 4 dempers


Toshiba cassette binnendeel RAS-M16U2MUVG-E


Panasonic CS-MZ16 VKE Etherea wit binnendeel airconditioner


10 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


LG-PC12SK binnendeel airconditioner


Set trilling dempers


Mitsubishi PCA M35 onderbouw model airconditioner


123 liter buffervat ecopuffer zonder warmtewisselaar


Daikin FHA35A plafond airconditioner binnendeel


Gree GUD160ZD vloer/plafond set


LG-H09S1P dualcool premium set


Mitsubishi MXZ-2F53VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-3F54VF buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z71-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


LG HN1600MC.NK0 / HU163MRB U30 – HYDROSPLIT – 3-phase 16 kw subsidie €3.750,-


LG Smart Thinq Wifi module


M60DA kanaal model binnendeel airconditioner


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND22C/A-T


LG-PC09SK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi PCA-M35KA onderbouw binnendeel


Toshiba Haori RAS-B13N4KVRG-E binnendeel airconditioner antraciet


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC35 cassette model airconditioner Indoor


Daikin FBA71A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC12HE8 3 fase


LG CL18F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Thermostaat Smart Lamborghini


Gree GEH18AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner


10 Meter Koelleiding 3/8-5/8


10 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€3375,00 subsidie)


LG-H091S1D dualcool deluxe set


LG-H091S1D dualcool deluxe set


LG-H12S1D dualcool deluxe set


LG-H24S1D dualcool deluxe set


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N71G/A3A-K


Panasonic KIT-XZ20 ZKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


LG CM18F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE60VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic monobloc warmtepomp WH-MDC05J3E5 Subsidie €2.925


Mitsubishi MXZ-4F80 VF buitendeel airconditioner


6 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-5/8


Panasonic bedienings paneel


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD100T


Panasonic CU-2Z35 TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Toshiba cassette binnendeel RAS-M13U2MUVG-E




Elektrische tromp set in koffer


LG-H12S1P dualcool premium set


25 meter Koelleiding 5/8


Panasonic CS-XZ50 ZKEW-H wand binnendeel Etherea graphite


Mitsubishi SRF 50 ZMX-S vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND45PLS/C-T


Daikin FTXA35BB Black binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-BZ35 ZKE airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDU140VH kanaal model airconditioner


Daikin 4MXM68A buitendeel airconditioner


Samsung 2,5 KW airconditioner met installatie pakket


Mitsubishi WSH-AP35Wi airconditioner


Daikin CTXA15BS zilver binnendeel airconditioner


Toshiba airco fabric cover RB-I4104-E – Gray Beige


Panasonic KIT-VZ9 SKE airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDU125VH kanaal model airconditioner


Tesy buffervat 160 liter met 1 warmtewisselaar


LG Bi Bloc HN1636M.NK5 / HU163MA.U33 warmtepomp – subsidie €3.675,-


Daikin FTXJ25AB Emura zwart airconditioner set


Mitsubishi WSH-FT50VGKHZ airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN60VG zwart binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZS-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin 4MXM80A buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZSX-W airconditioner


Toshiba Haori 3M26U2AVG buitendeel airconditioner


Buitendeel multigenerator Daikin - 5MXM90


LG-UV24F onderbouw model airconditioner


Daikin FTXJ25AS Emura zilver airconditioner set


Panasonic CU-5Z90TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Tosot ( GREE ) multi systeem MTS4R-28-09-09-12


LG-S24ET airconditioner met wifi


Panasonic T-CAP monobloc warmtepomp WH-MXC09J3E5


Toshiba airco fabric cover RB-I4103-E – Bluish Gray


Daikin Altherma ERGA08EVH / EHVX08S18E6V Subsidie € 3375,00


Gree 3,5 kw Fairy GWH12ACC binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-4Z68TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Azuri Supra antraciet grijs AZI-WO25VG airconditioner set


LG OSHW-200F Sanitair warm water 200 liter enkele spiraal


Daikin FCAG140B cassette model airconditioner / 230 V


Gree GEH18AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner binnendeel


Gree 2,5 kw Fairy GWH09ACC binnendeel airconditioner zwart (kopie)


Panasonic KIT-BZ50 ZKE airconditioner


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-280WM/H-X buitendeel


Daikin FCAG60B cassette model airconditioner


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-224WM/H-X buitendeel


LG-H09S1P dualcool premium set


Mitsubishi PCA M35 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z71 YKEA airconditioner


LG-AC12SQ Artcool Zilver airconditioner binnendeel


30 kw Rotenso monobloc warmtepomp 3 fase Subsidie € 5550,00


Tesy 80 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Tesy 50 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Azuri Supra wit AZI-WO25VG airconditioner set


Daikin FHA35A plafond airconditioner


LG WTW LZ-H025GBA4 + remote


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta wit TA35Xi airconditioner


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND45TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 1-way GMV-ND45TD/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 1-way GMV-ND36TD/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 1-way GMV-ND28TD/A-T


Gree mini VRF GMV-120WL/C-T buitendeel (230V)


Stel zelf een set samen LG


Daikin Altherma ERGA08EVH / EHVX08S23E6V Subsidie € 3375,00


Daikin FTXF50 Sensira airconditioner set


LG-DC09RK DE LUXE binnendeel airconditioner


LG-HM141MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,-


Daikin FTXA42AW wit binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FCAG100B cassette model airconditioner 380 volt


Toshiba Seiya RAS-B10J2KVG-E / RAS-10J2AVG-E airconditioner


2,5 KW Daikin FFA25A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


LG-H12S1P dualcool premium set


LG-H12S1D dualcool deluxe set


LG-H091S1D dualcool deluxe set


Daikin 6 kw warmtepomp All IN ONE 230 lt ERGA06EVH / EHVX08S23E9W


Mitsubishi MXZ-2F53 VF + 2 x MSZ-EF25VGKP airconditioner


Daikin FTXA50 binnendeel airconditioner (H) - Daikin FTXA50BT hout binnendeel


Daikin FTXA50 binnendeel airconditioner (S) - Daikin FTXA50BT hout binnendeel


Mitsubishi MXZ-3F68 VF + 2 x MSZ-AP35VGKP airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-2F53 VF + 2 x MSZ-AP35VGKP airconditioner


Zwart Koppelstuk 72 mm


Zwart binnen / buiten bocht 72 mm


Zwarte platte bocht 72 mm


Zwart muurkapje 72 mm


Zwarte goot per meter 72 mm


LG-MU5R40 buitendeel airconditioner


22 kw Rotenso monobloc warmtepomp 3 fase Subsidie € 5175,00


Daikin 16 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA16D3W1 Subsidie € 3975,00


3,5 KW Aux inverter split airco


Daikin 3MXF68A met 1 x CTXF35 en 2 x CTXF20 binnendelen


Daikin 2MXF40A met 1 x CTXF20 + 1 x CTXF35 binnendelen


Daikin 2MXF40A met 1 x CTXF20 + 1 x CTXF25 binnendelen


Daikin 2MXF40A met 2 x CTXF20 binnendelen


LG-A12GA2 Artcool Gallery Premium airconditioner set


LG-A09GA2 Artcool Gallery Premium airconditioner set


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 16 kw set airconditioner 3 fase


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 14 kw set airconditioner 3 fase


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 12 kw set airconditioner 3 fase


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 10 kw set airconditioner 3 fase


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 9 kw set airconditioner


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 7 kw set airconditioner


Rotenso Wand bedienings paneel


Rotenso wifi module


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 5 kw set airconditioner


Rotenso Cassette Tenji 3,5 kw set airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zwart E70Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zilver ES70Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta Mirror TM70Xi airconditioner


Rotenso Roni R70Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Roni R50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Roni R35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta wit TA70Xi airconditioner


Gree fancoil cassette model FP-85XD/B-T(E)


Gree fancoil wandmodel FP-51BA3/D-K(E)


Rotenso multi buitendeel H120XM5 airconditioner


Rotenso multi buitendeel H100XM4 airconditioner


Rotenso multi buitendeel H80XM4 airconditioner


Rotenso Roni R26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zilver ES50Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zilver ES35Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zilver ES26Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zwart E50Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Elis zwart E35Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta Mirror TM26Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta wit TA50Xi airconditioner


Rotenso wand binnendeel Teta wit TA26Xi airconditioner


Rotenso multi buiten deel H60XM3 airconditioner


Rotenso multi buiten deel H50XM2 airconditioner


Rotenso multi buiten deel H40XM2 airconditioner


Rotenso vloer model AN50Xi / AN50XO set airconditioner


Rotenso vloer model AN35Xi / AN35XO set airconditioner


Rotenso vloer model AN25Xi / AN25XO set airconditioner


transport pakket


Rotenso Versu Mirror VM50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Versu Mirror VM35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Versu Mirror VM26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Versu Pure VP50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Versu Pure VP35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Versu Pure VP26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta Mirror TA70Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta Mirror TM50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta Mirror TA35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta Mirror TA26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta wit TA70Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta wit TA50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta wit TA35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Teta wit TA26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zwart E70Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zwart E50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zwart E35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zwart E26Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zilver ES70Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zilver ES50Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zilver ES35Xi airconditioner set


Rotenso Elis zilver ES26Xi airconditioner set


16 kw 3 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 3825,00


12 kw 3 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 3225,00


16 kw 1 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 3825,00


12 kw 1 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 3375,00


10 kw 1 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 3075,00


7 kw 1 fase Alsavo monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie € 2775,


Daikin FCAG71B cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FCAG120B cassette model airconditioner / 380 V


Daikin FCAG140B cassette model airconditioner / 380 V


LG VRF cassette model ARNU05GTRB4.ENWBLEU


LG VRF cassette model ARNU07GTRB4.ENWBLEU


LG VRF cassette model ARNU12GTRB4.ENWBLEU


LG VRF cassette model ARNU18GTQB4.ENWBLEU








Daikin 8 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA08E3V3 Subsidie € 3225,00


Daikin 6 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA06E3V3 Subsidie € 3075,00


Daikin 4 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA04E3V3 Subsidie € 2925,00


Airco cover klein antraciet voor buiten unit


Mitsubishi CSH-M125i cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FCAG35BB cassette model zwart airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF18VGKB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-LN25 VGHZ Outdoor unit


Wifi module Panasonic CZ-TAW1


Gree/Tosot wifi module WSBTC05


Bedrade afstandsbediening airco BRC073


Wifi Daikin module


LG-AB12BK Artcool beige airconditioner binnendeel


LG-AB12BK Artcool beige airconditioner


Wifi Daikin module


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-4F80VF + 3 x MSZ-AP35VGK


Mitsubishi MSZ-HR35VFK binnendeel airconditioner met wifi


LG-HM093MR-U44 3 fase monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3075,-


Mitsubishi MSZ-HR25VFK binnendeel airconditioner met wifi




Mitsubishi WSH-HR71i + Wifi airconditioner.


Mitsubishi WSH-HR50i + Wifi airconditioner


LG ZRUN060GSS0 buitendeel


LG ZRUN050GSS0 buitendeel


LG ZRUN040GSS0 buitendeel


LG ARUN120LSS0 buitendeel


LG ARUN100LSS0 buitendeel


LG ARUN080LSS0 buitendeel


LG ARUM260LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM240LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM220LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM200LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM180LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM160LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM140LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM120LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM100LTE6 buitendeel


LG ARUM080LTE6 buitendeel


LG PREMTB001 Multi V Remote (wired)


LG remote PREMTB100


Aansluitkap voor LG boiler


LG WTW LZ-H035GBA4 + remote


Condenspomp MiniBlue


Gree GWHD(18)NK multisysteem +2×2,5kw Fairy binnendeel


LG Prem PREMTBB10 black


Rotenso multi buitendeel H70XM3 airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-140PF3Z8 kanaal model airconditoner


Panasonic KIT-125PF3Z8 kanaal model airconditoner


Panasonic KIT-100PF3Z8 kanaal model airconditoner


Panasonic CS-Z50 UFEAW UFEA vloer binnendeel


Panasonic CS-Z35 UFEAW UFEA vloer binnendeel


Panasonic CS-Z25 UFEAW UFEA vloer binnendeel


Panasonic CS-MZ20 UFEA vloer binnendeel


Panasonic CS-XZ35 ZKEW-H wand binnendeel Etherea graphite


Panasonic CS-XZ25 ZKEW-H wand binnendeel Etherea graphite


Panasonic CS-XZ20 ZKEW-H wand binnendeel Etherea graphite


Panasonic CS-XZ50 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea zilver


Panasonic CS-XZ35 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea zilver


Panasonic CS-XZ25 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea zilver


Panasonic CS-XZ20 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea zilver


Panasonic CS-Z71 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-Z50 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-Z42 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-Z35 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-Z25 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-Z20 ZKEW wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-MZ16 ZKE wand binnendeel Etherea wit


Panasonic CS-TZ71-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ60-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ50-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ42-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ35-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ25-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ20-ZKEW wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-MTZ16-ZKE wand binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-Z60-UD3EAW kanaal binnendeel


Panasonic CS-Z50-UD3EAW kanaal binnendeel


Panasonic CS-Z35-UD3EAW kanaal binnendeel


Panasonic CS-Z25-UD3EAW kanaal binnendeel


Panasonic CS-MZ20-UD3EA kanaal binnendeel


Panasonic S-60PY3E casette binnendeel


Panasonic S-50PY3E cassette binnendeel


Panasonic S-36PY3E cassette binnendeel


Panasonic S-25PY3E cassette binnendeel


Panasonic S-M20PY3E cassette binnendeel


Panasonic CU-5Z90-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-4Z80-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-4Z68-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-3Z68-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-3Z52-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-2Z50-TBE multi buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-2Z41-TBE + 2 x CS-Z25ZKEW airconditioner


Panasonic CU-2Z35-TBE multi buitendeel + 2 x CS-Z25ZKEW binnendelen


Panasonic KIT-140PT3Z8 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-125PT3Z8 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-100PT3Z8 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-71PT3Z5 onderbouw model airconditioner


Tesy 100 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Panasonic KIT-60PT3Z5 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-50PT3Z5 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-36PT3Z5 onderbouw model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-71PF3Z5 kanaal model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z60UD3 kanaal model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50UD3 kanaal model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z35UD3 kanaal model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z25UD3 kanaal model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-140PU3Z8 cassette model airconditioner 3phase


Panasonic KIT-125PU3Z8 cassette model airconditioner 3phase


Panasonic KIT-100PU3Z8 cassette model airconditioner 3phase


Panasonic KIT-71PU3Z5 cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-60PY3Z5 cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-50PY3Z5 cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-35PY3Z5 cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-25PY3Z5 cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50 UFE vloermodel airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z35 UFE vloermodel airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z25 UFE vloermodel airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-VZ12 SKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50 YKEA airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z42 YKEA airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z35 YKEA airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z25 YKEA airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ35 ZKE-H Etherea graphite airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ25 ZKE-H Etherea graphite airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ20 ZKE-H Etherea graphite airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ35 ZKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ25 ZKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z71 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z42 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z35 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z25 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z20 ZKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ71 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ60 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ50 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ42 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ35 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ25 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-TZ20 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-BZ60 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-BZ25 ZKE airconditioner


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC16HE8 3 fase


Azuri Supra antraciet grijs AZI-WO35VG airconditioner set


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC09HE8 3 fase


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC09JE5


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC07JE5


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC05JE5


KIT-WQC16H9E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc T CAP Subsidie €4.350,00


KIT-WQC12H9E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc T CAP Subsidie €3.750,00


KIT-WQC09H3E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc T CAP Subsidie €3.300,00


KIT-WXC16H9E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc Subsidie €4.575,00


KIT-WXC12H9E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc Subsidie €3.975,00


KIT-WXC09H3E8 Panasonic warmtepomp bi bloc Subsidie €3.525,00


Panasonic all-in one warmtepomp KIT-ADC03JE5


Panasonic monobloc warmtepomp WH-MDC16H6E5


Panasonic monobloc warmtepomp WH-MDC12H6E5 Subsidie €3.675,00


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND140L/A-T


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND100L/A-T


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND50C/A-T


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND45C/A-T


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND36C/A-T


Gree VRF vloer model GMV-ND28C/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND71TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND63TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND56TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND50TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND36TS/A-T


Mitsubishi MSZ-AY42VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Gree VRF cassette model 2-way GMV-ND28TS/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 1-way GMV-ND50TD/A-T


Gree VRF cassette model 1-way GMV-ND22TD/A-T


Gree 7 kw Fairy GWH24ACE binnendeel airconditioner antraciet grijs


Gree 5 kw Fairy GWH18ACD binnendeel airconditioner antraciet grijs


Gree 3,5 kw Fairy GWH12ACC binnendeel airconditioner antraciet grijs


Gree 2,5 kw Fairy GWH09ACC binnendeel airconditioner antraciet grijs


Mitsubishi MSZ-AY50VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AY35VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AY25VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX450P/A(X1.2)-T, 380V


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX280P/A(X1.2)-T, 380V


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX250P/A(X1.2)-T, 380V


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX224P/A(X1.2)-T, 380V


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX140P/A(X1.2)-T, 220V


Gree VRF fresh air GMV-NDX125P/A(X1.2)-T, 220V


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND160T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND140T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND125T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND112T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND100T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND90T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND80T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND71T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND63T/C-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND56T/E-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND50T/E-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND45T/E-T


Gree VRF cassette model 4-way GMV-ND36T/E-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND56PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND50PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND40PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND36PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND32PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND28PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND25PLS/C-T


Gree VRF kanaal model GMV-ND22PLS/C-T


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N50G/A3A-K


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N45G/A3A-K


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N36G/A3A-K


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N28G/A3A-K


Gree VRF wandmodel GMV-N22G/A3A-K


Gree Zone controller CE54-24/F


Gree Zone controller CE52-24/F


Gree Controller XK79


Gree branch box NCHS8D


Gree branch box NCHS4D


Gree branch box NCHS2D


Gree branch box NCHS1D


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-615WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-560WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-504WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-450WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-400WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree GMV 6 VRF GMV-335WM/H-X buitendeel


Gree slim VRF GMV-335WL/C-X buitendeel


Gree slim VRF GMV-280WL/C-X buitendeel


Gree slim VRF GMV-224WL/C-X buitendeel


Gree mini VRF GMV-160WL/C-T buitendeel (230V)


Gree mini VRF GMV-140WL/C-T buitendeel (230V)


Mitsubishi MXZ-2F33VF buitendeel airconditioner


LG-W12EG wandmodel set airconditioner


Buitendeel multigenerator Mit E F serie - 6F122


Binnendelen multigenerator Mit E F serie


Stel zelf een set samen Mit E F serie


Stel zelf een set samen Mit E HA serie


Binnendelen multigenerator Mit E HA serie


Buitendeel multigenerator Mit E HA serie


Buitendeel multigenerator Mit E HA serie - 2HA40


Buitendeel multigenerator Mit E HA serie - 2HA50


Buitendeel multigenerator Mit E HA serie - 3HA50


Buitendeel multigenerator LG


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU2R15


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU2R17


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU3R19


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU3R21


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU4R27


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU4R25


Buitendeel multigenerator LG - MU5R30


Binnendelen multigenerator LG


Daikin FTXF42E Sensira airconditioner set


3,5 KW Hisense inverter airco met luchtverversing


Binnendelen multigenerator Daikin


LG-UT48F-R round cassette model 3 fase airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSH-M71i cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FTXJ50AW Emura wit binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ50AB Emura zwart binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ50AS Emura Zilver binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ42AW Emura wit binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ42AB Emura zwart binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ42AS Emura zilver binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ35AB Emura zwart binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ35AW Emura wit binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ35AS Emura zilver binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ25AW Emura wit binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ25AB Emura zwart binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ25AS Emura zilver binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ20AW Emura wit binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ20AB Emura zwart binnendeel


Daikin FTXJ20AS Emura zilver binnendeel


transport pallet




Mitsubishi WSH-AY50 VGK airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AY42 VGK airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AY35 VGK airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AY25 VGK airconditioner


Wifi module Daikin


Wifi module Daikin


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-3HA50VF + 2 x MSZ-HR25VF + 1x MSZ-HR35VF


Haori cover


Toshiba airco fabric cover RB-I4106-E – Emerald Blue


Toshiba airco fabric cover RB-I4105-E – Dark Brown


Toshiba Haori 4,5 kw airconditioner antraciet


Toshiba Haori 2,5 kw airconditioner licht grijs


Toshiba Haori 2M18U2AVG-E buitendeel airconditioner


Toshiba Haori 2M14U2AVG-E buitendeel airconditioner


Toshiba Haori B10N4KVRG-E binnendeel airconditioner licht grijs


Daikin Altherma M warmttepomp boiler 200L Subsidie € 725,00


LG 270 liter warmtepomp boiler LG-WH27S.F5 subsidie € 725,00


5 kw Nippon buitendeel airconditioner +1 x 2,5 + 1 x 3,5 kw binnendelen


LG-UT36F cassette model airconditioner 3 phase


MITSUBISHI SUZ-SWM100VA+ERST20D-VM2D 200L –220 V Subsidie € 3375,-


MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ZUBADAN PUD-SHWM80YAA + ERSD-VM2D – 8 kw split 380 V + 2 kw backup heater




AWHP Back up Heater 6 kW (mono fase)


AWHP Back up Heater 6 kW (3-phase)


Daikin Altherma 10 kw High Temperature split warmtepomp + backup heater van 9 kW Subsidie € 3375,00 ONLY HEATING


Daikin Altherma 10 kw EPRA10EW1 / ETBX12E9W Subsidie € 3375,00


Daikin Altherma 8 kw High Temperature split warmtepomp + backup heater van 9 kW Subsidie € 3375,00 ONLY HEATING


Daikin Altherma 8 kw High Temperature split warmtepomp + backup heater van 9 kW Subsidie € 3375,00


Daikin Altherma 16 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + ALL IN ONE 230 lt + backup heater van 6 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 16 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + ALL IN ONE 230 lt + backup heater van 9 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 14 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + ALL IN ONE 230 lt + backup heater van 9 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 14 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + ALL IN ONE 230 lt + backup heater van 6 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 16 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + backup heater van 9 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 14 kw hydrosplit warmtepomp + backup heater van 9 kW Geen subisidie


Daikin Altherma 16 kw bi bloc warmtepomp + All IN ONE 230 lt + backup heater van 6 kW Geen subsidie


Daikin Altherma 16 kw bi bloc warmtepomp + All IN ONE 180 lt + backup heater van 6 kW Geen subsidie


Daikin Altherma 16 kw bi bloc warmtepomp + backup heater van 6 kW Subsidie € 3600,00


Daikin Altherma ERGA06EVH / EHVX08S23E6V Subsidie € 3075,00


Daikin Altherma 6 kw bi bloc warmtepomp + All IN ONE 180 lt + backup heater van 6 kW Subsidie € 2850,00 ONLY HEATING


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA08EVH / EHBX08E9W Subsidie € 3375,00


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA08EVH / EHBX08E6V Subsidie € 3375,00


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA06EVH / EHBX08E9W Subsidie € 3075,00


Daikin Altherma 6 kw bi bloc warmtepomp + backup heater van 6 kW Subsidie € 3075,00


Daikin Altherma 16 kw Monobloc warmtepomp + backup heater van 3 kW Subsidie € 3825,00


Daikin 14 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA14D3W1 Subsidie € 3825,00


Daikin Altherma 14 kw Monobloc warmtepomp + backup heater van 3 kW Subsidie € 3825,00


Daikin 11 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA11D3W1 Subsidie € 3675,00


Daikin Altherma 11 kw Monobloc warmtepomp + backup heater van 3 kW Subsidie € 3675,00


Daikin Altherma 9 kw Monobloc warmtepomp EBLA09D3W1 Subsidie € 3525,00


Tesy 30 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


80 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar (kopie)


500 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar (kopie)


100 liter buffervat ecopuffer zonder warmtewisselaar


80 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Airco cover groot antraciet voor buiten unit


Daikin FTXJ20AS Emura zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ20AB Emura zwart airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ20AW Emura wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ25AW Emura wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ35AS Emura zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ35AW Emura wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ35AB Emura zwart airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ42AS Emura zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ42AB Emura zwart airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ42AW Emura wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXJ50AB Emura zwart airconditioner set


16 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€4275 subsidie)


14 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€4125 subsidie)


8 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€3075 subsidie)


6 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€2925 subsidie)


4 kw Aux bi bloc warmtepomp (€2925 subsidie)


Daikin CTXF35 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin CTXF25 binnendeel airconditioner


Toshiba Haori 3,5 kw airconditioner licht grijs


Toshiba Haori 3,5 kw airconditioner antraciet


Wifi module Daikin


LG Bi Bloc HN1636M.NK5 / HU143MA U33 warmtepomp – subsidie €3.675,-


LG Bi Bloc HN1636M.NK5 / HU123MA U33 warmtepomp – subsidie €3.525,-


Ferroli 260 liter warmtepomp boiler


Ferroli 200 liter warmtepomp boiler


Daikin FTXJ50AW Emura wit airconditioner set


LG-DC12RQ DE LUXE Airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 45 ZSP-W airconditioner


Beugel set gegalvaniseerd klein+ 4 dempers


Ferroli warmtepomp set OMNIA S 3.2 – 6 Kw Subsidie € 3075,00


Ferroli 120 liter warmtepomp boiler SUBSIDIE € 725,00


2,5 KW Hisense inverter airco met luchtverversing (OP=OP, NOG 1 SET OP VOORRAAD)


2,5 KW Hawaii airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE125VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE100VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDE71VH onderbouw model airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDU140VH kanaal model airconditioner 3 fase


Mitsubishi FDU125VH kanaal model airconditioner 3 fase


Mitsubishi FDU100VH kanaal model airconditioner 3 fase


Mitsubishi FDU100VH kanaal model airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDU71VH kanaal model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC60 cassette model airconditioner Indoor


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC50 cassette model airconditioner Indoor


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC25 cassette model airconditioner Indoor


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC60 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC50 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC40 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC35 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDTC25 cassette model airconditioner


Slangen Set


Meter Set


Mitsubishi 3 fase PCA-M140KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi 3 fase PCA-M125KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi 3 fase PCA-M100KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M140KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M125KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M100KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M71KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M60KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M50KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M35KA Onderbouw Model Set


Mitsubishi PCA-M71KA onderbouw binnendeel


Mitsubishi PCA-M60KA onderbouw binnendeel


Mitsubishi PCA-M50KA onderbouw binnendeel


Gree GUD100ZD vloer/plafond set


Gree GUD71ZD vloer/plafond set


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT140 3-fase cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-FT35VGKHZ airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-FT25VGKHZ airconditioner


LG-DC24RK DE LUXE Airconditioner


LG-DC18RK DE LUXE Airconditioner


LG-DC12RK DE LUXE Airconditioner


LG-DC09RK DE LUXE Airconditioner


Atlantic 270 liter warmtepomp boiler V4 270 L C met coil


Gree GFH(24)EA kanaal binnendeel


Gree GFH(18)EA kanaal binnendeel


Gree GFH(12)EA kanaal binnendeel


Gree GFH(09)EA kanaal binnendeel


Gree GKH(24)BB cassette model binnendeel


Gree GKH(18)BB cassette model binnendeel


Gree GKH(12)BB cassette model binnendeel


Gree 3,5 kw Lomo GWH12QB binnendeel airconditioner


Gree 2,5 kw Lomo GWH09QB binnendeel airconditioner


Gree GWH09AEC G-Tech airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 80 ZR-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 71 ZR-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 63 ZR-W airconditioner


1500 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


1000 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


LG-AP12RT Airconditioner Binnendeel


LG-AP09RT Airconditioner Binnendeel


LG-AP12RT airconditioner


LG-AP09RT airconditioner


8 Meter Koelleiding 3/8-5/8


6 Meter Koelleiding 3/8-5/8


4 Meter Koelleiding 3/8-5/8


10 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-5/8


8 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-5/8


4 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-5/8


6 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-1/2


3 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-1/2 - 4 meter


3 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


8 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


5 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


4 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


6 Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


3 phase 16 kw Hyundai monobloc warmtepomp incl wifi module


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP20VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-HR35i airconditioner + wifi


Mitsubishi WSH-HR25i airconditioner + wifi


400V Wing Luchtgordijn 200cm Zwart


400V Wing Luchtgordijn 150cm Zwart


230V Wing Luchtgordijn 100cm Zwart


Mitsubishi MSZ-HR35VF binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-HR25VF binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-3HA50VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA50VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-2HA40VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-5F102VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-4F83VF buitendeel airconditioner


Witte flexibele bocht 90 mm


Condenspomp SI-2750 (6 m opvoer hoogte)


Witte buitenbocht 90 mm


500 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar


300 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar


LG UM60F 3 fase kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM60F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG-US36F 3 fase airconditioner met wifi


Gree GEH12AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner binnendeel


Gree GEH09AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner binnendeel


Gree GWH09ACC Fairy airconditioner antraciet grijs


Gree monobloc warmtepomp GRS-CQ8.0Pd/NhG-K SUBSIDIE


Daikin CVXM20A vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 60 ZSX-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZSX-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZSX-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 60 ZSX-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZSX-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZSX-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZSX-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZSX-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin CTXA15BT Zwarthout binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin CTXA15BB Black binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin CTXA15AW wit binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin CTXM15R binnendeel airconditioner


2,5 KW mobiele airconditioner


LG-UV60F 3 fase onderbouw model airconditioner


Wifi modeule LG-PWFMDD200


Mitsubishi Bedienings paneel RC-HY40


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 63 ZS-W airconditioner


Gree monobloc warmtepomp GRS-CQ16Pd/NhG4-M Subsidie € 3975,00


test 3 meter leiding 1/4 - 3/8


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT125 3-fase cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT100 3-fase cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT60 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT50 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Heavy FDT40 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 125 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 80 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 71 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


CAIROX WTW ventilatie systeem CHRU-TF 500


Daikin FHA100A / AZAS100MY plafond airconditioner / 380V


gereedschapswagen compleet gevuld


LG-PHLTB Boilerkit voor LG Therma V Monobloc Warmtepomp


Tosot multi systeem MTS4R-24 met 2 x 3,5 kw wandmodel


Daikin warmtepomp EPGA16DV / EABX16D6V


Daikin warmtepomp EPGA11DV / EABX16D6V


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA08EV / EHBX08E6V (+ 6 kW heater)


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU091MR.U44 / HN0913T € 3.075,- subsidie


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU071MR.U44 / HN0913T € 3075,- subsidie


Panasonic bi-bloc warmtepomp KIT-WC09J3E5 Subsidie €2.850,00


Panasonic bi-bloc warmtepomp KIT-WC07J3E5 Subsidie €2.850,00


Panasonic bi-bloc warmtepomp KIT-WC05J3E5 Subsidie €2.550,00


Panasonic bi-bloc warmtepomp KIT-WC03J3E5 Subsidie €2.400,00


Mitsubishi M71DA kanaal model airconditioner


M71DA kanaal model binnendeel airconditioner


M50DA kanaal model binnendeel airconditioner


M35DA kanaal model binnendeel airconditioner


M25DA kanaal model binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi M60DA kanaal model airconditioner


Mitsubishi M50DA kanaal model airconditioner


Mitsubishi M35DA kanaal model airconditioner


Mitsubishi M25DA kanaal model airconditioner


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA06EV + EHBX08E6V (+ 6 kW heater)


Daikin warmtepomp ERGA04EV + EHBX04E6V (+ 6 kW heater)


LG-MT11 cassette binnendeel airconditioner


LG-MT09 cassette binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic T-CAP monobloc warmtepomp WH-MXC16J9E8 Subsidie €4.350,00


LG UM48F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM48F 3 fase kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM42F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM42F 3 fase kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM36F 3 fase kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Panasonic T-CAP monobloc warmtepomp WH-MXC12J9E8 Subsidie €3.300,00


Panasonic T-CAP monobloc warmtepomp WH-MXC09J3E8 Subsidie €3.300,00


LG UM36F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG UM30F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG-AC18SQ Artcool Zilver airconditioner binnendeel


LG-AC09SQ Artcool Zilver airconditioner binnendeel


LG CM18F binnendeel airconditioner


LG CL24F binnendeel airconditioner


LG CL24F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG CL12F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG CL09F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


LG-US36F airconditioner met wifi


LG-US30F airconditioner met wifi


LG UQ18 vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


LG UQ12 vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


LG UQ09F vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


LG-CT24F cassette binnendeel airconditioner


LG-CT18F cassette binnendeel airconditioner


LG-CT12F cassette binnendeel airconditioner


LG-UV60F onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV48F 3 fase onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV48F onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV42F 3 fase onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV42F onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV36F 3 fase onderbouw model airconditioner


LG-UV36F onderbouw model airconditioner


Mitsubishi Bedienings paneel RC-HY20


Atlantic 270 liter warmtepomp boiler V4 270


Atlantic 200 Liter Warmtepomp Boiler V4 200 subsidie € 725,00


Mitsubishi KP50VF one way cassette model airconditioner set


Mitsubishi KP35VF one way cassette model airconditioner set


Tesy 260 liter warmtepomp boiler HPWH 2.1 260 U 02 S


Mitsubishi KP25VF one way cassette model airconditioner set


Tesy 200 liter warmtepomp boiler HPWH 2.1 200 U 02 S


LG-PC24SK binnendeel airconditioner


LG-PC24SK airconditioner


Tesy 260 liter warmtepomp boiler HPWH 2.1 260 U 02


LG-PC18SK binnendeel airconditioner


LG-PC18SK airconditioner


LG-PC12SK airconditioner


LG-PC09SK airconditioner


Panasonic T-CAP monobloc warmtepomp WH-MXC12J6E5


Panasonic monobloc warmtepomp WH-MDC09J3E5 Subsidie €3.250,00


Panasonic monobloc warmtepomp WH-MDC07J3E5 Subsidie €3.075,00


Gree Versati IV monobloc warmtepomp GRS-CQ10Pd/NhG4-E


Gree monobloc warmtepomp GRS-CQ6.0Pd/NhG-K SUBSIDIE € 2775,00


Mitsubishi SRK 60 ZSX-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZSX-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZSX-W binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FUA125 cassette 3 fase model airconditioner


Daikin FUA100 cassette 3-fase model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZSX-W binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FUA125 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZSX-W binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FUA100 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZS-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FUA71 cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 50 ZS-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP71VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP60VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-HR71i airconditioner.


Mitsubishi WSH-HR60i airconditioner


SLZ-M60FA cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN60VG rood binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN60VG wit binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN50VG wit binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN50VG rood binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN50VG zwart binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN35VG zwart binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN35VG rood binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN35VG wit binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN25VG wit binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN25VG rood binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-LN25VG zwart binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP42VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AP42Wi airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-6F122 VF buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FBA60A binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FBA50A binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FBA35A binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXP71 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXP60 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXP50 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXF71 Sensira airconditioner set


Daikin FTXF60 Sensira airconditioner set


Daikin FTXC71 airconditioner set


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie VL-50SR












Bedieningspaneel voor luchtgordijn


Balken set 60cm zwaar kunststof+4 matjes


Balken set MBR kunststof 60cm+4 matjes


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU051MR.U44 / HN0913T € 3075,- subsidie


21 kw inverter zwembad warmtepomp


17 kw inverter zwembad warmtepomp


10 kw inverter zwembad warmtepomp


4 kw zwembad warmtepomp


10 KW inverter zwembad warmtepomp


Beugel RVS groot


Tosot ( GREE ) multi systeem MTS4R-28-09-09-09


Tosot ( GREE ) multi systeem MTS2-09-12


Condenspomp VL-15 (10 m opvoerhoogte)


Condenspomp VS-5 (8 m opvoer hoogte)


Daikin 2MXM68A buitendeel airconditioner


Tosot ( GREE ) multi systeem MTS2-09-09


Draadloze 2 traps Vacuum pomp


Draadloze 1 traps Vacuum pomp


Balken set MBR kunststof 90 cm + 4 matjes


25 meter Koelleiding 1/2


25 meter Koelleiding 3/8


25 meter Koelleiding 1/4


Daikin FTXM60R binnendeel airconditioner


LG-DC24RH DE LUXE binnendeel airconditioner


Nippon 16 kw cassette model airconditioner


Nippon 12 kw cassette model airconditioner


Nippon 10 kw cassette model airconditioner


Nippon 7 kw cassette model airconditioner


Nippon 5 kw cassette model airconditioner


Nippon 3,5 kw cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FCAG140B cassette model airconditioner / 380 V


Daikin FCAG125B cassette model airconditioner / 230V


Daikin FTXA50 binnendeel airconditioner (Z) - Daikin FTXA50BT hout binnendeel


Daikin FTXA25BB Black binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA25BB Stylish Zwart airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA20BB Stylish Zwart airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA42BB Black binnendeel airconditioner


Nippon 7 kw airconditioner inverter


Nippon 5 kw airconditioner inverter


Nippon 4,2 kw airconditioner inverter


Nippon 2,5 kw airconditioner inverter


Anti tril matjes


Gree GWH24ACE Fairy airconditioner antraciet grijs


Gree GWH18ACD Fairy airconditioner antraciet grijs


LG-DC18RK DE LUXE binnendeel airconditioner


LG-UT60F cassette model 3 fase airconditioner


LG-UT60F cassette model 1 fase airconditioner


LG-UT42F cassette model 1 fase airconditioner


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU091MR U44 / HN091MR.NK5 Subsidie € 3.075,-


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU071MR U44 / HN091MR NK5 € 3075,- subsidie


LG Bi Bloc warmtepomp HU051MR U44 / HN091MR NK5 € 3075,- subsidie


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-3HA50VF + 3 x MSZ-HR25VF


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-3HA50VF + 2 x MSZ-HR35VF


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-2HA50VF + 2 x MSZ-HR35VF


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-2HA50VF +2 x MSZ-HR25VF


Mitsubishi multi MXZ-2HA50VF met 1 x MSZ-HR25VF en 1 x MSZ-HR35VF


Mitsubishi multi systeem MXZ-2HA40VF met 2 x MSZ-HR25VF


Toshiba cassette binnendeel RAS-M10U2MUVG-E


Toshiba kanaal systeem binnendeel RAS-M24U2DVG-E


Toshiba kanaal systeem binnendeel RAS-M22U2DVG-E


Toshiba kanaal systeem binnendeel RAS-M16U2DVG-E


Toshiba kanaal systeem binnendeel RAS-M13U2DVG-E


Toshiba kanaal systeem binnendeel RAS-M10U2DVG-E


Toshiba vloer binnendeel RAS-B16J2FVG-E


Toshiba vloer binnendeel RAS-B13J2FVG-E


Toshiba vloer binnendeel RAS-B10J2FVG-E


Toshiba wand binnendeel Daiseikai RAS-M16PKVPG-E


Toshiba wand binnendeel Daiseikai RAS-M13PKVPG-E


Toshiba wand binnendeel Daiseikai RAS-M10PKVPG-E


Toshiba wand binnendeel Kazumi RAS-B24J2KVSG


Toshiba wand binnendeel Kazumi RAS-B22J2KVSG


Toshiba wand binnendeel Kazumi RAS-B16J2KVSG


Toshiba wand binnendeel Kazumi RAS-B13J2KVSG


Toshiba wand binnendeel Kazumi RAS-B10J2KVSG


Toshiba buitendeel RAS-5M34U2AVG-E


Toshiba buitendeel RAS-4M27U2AVG-E


Toshiba buitendeel RAS-3M26U2AVG-E


Toshiba buitendeel RAS-2M18U2AVG-E


Toshiba Daiseikai RAS-13PKVPG-E / RAS-13PAVPG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Daiseikai RAS-10PKVPG-E / RAS-10PAVPG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B24J2KVSG-E / RAS-24J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B22J2KVSG-E / RAS-22J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B18J2KVSG-E / RAS-18J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B16J2KVSG-E / RAS-16J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B13J2KVSG-E / RAS-13J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Kazumi RAS-B10J2KVSG-E / RAS-10J2AVSG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Seiya RAS-B24J2KVG-E / RAS-24J2AVG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Seiya RAS-B18J2KVG-E / RAS-18J2AVG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Seiya RAS-B16J2KVG-E / RAS-16J2AVG-E airconditioner


Toshiba Daisakai RAS-13-PKVPG-E airconditioner


Daikin FTXF35E Sensira airconditioner set


Panasonic CS-Z60 UD3EAW Kanaalsysteem binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-Z50 UD3EAW Kanaalsysteem binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-Z35 UD3EAW Kanaalsysteem binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-Z25 UD3EAW Kanaalsysteem binnendeel airconditioner


LG-UT48F cassette model 3 fase airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ60-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ50-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA35BB Stylish Zwart airconditioner set


LG-S12EW airconditioner met wifi


LG-CT09F cassette binnendeel airconditioner


Samsung 3,5 KW airconditioner met installatie pakket


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF50VGKW binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA50BB Stylish black airconditioner set


Daikin FTXF25E Sensira airconditioner set


3,5 KW mobiele airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 60 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA20BB Black binnendeel airconditioner


Wifi module Mitsubishi heavy


Gree 7 kw Fairy GWH24ACE binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AP25Wi airconditioner


LG-DC12RK DE LUXE binnendeel airconditioner


LG-UV18F onderbouw model airconditioner


Reinigings vloeistof


Lek detector spray


Vacuum pomp


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM50Wi Zen zwart airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM50Wi Zen zilver airconditioner


Daikin FTXA42BB Stylish zwart airconditioner set


LG-UT42F cassette model 3 fase airconditioner


LG-UT36F cassette model 1 fase airconditioner


LG-UT30F cassette model airconditioner


LG-CT24F cassette model airconditioner


LG-CT18F cassette model airconditioner


LG-CT12F cassette model airconditioner


LG-CT09F cassette model airconditioner


LG-AC24BK Artcool airconditioner binnendeel


LG-AC18BK Artcool airconditioner binnendeel


LG-AC12BK Artcool zwart airconditioner binnendeel


LG-MA12R airconditioner binnendeel


LG-S18ET airconditioner met wifi


LG-S12ET airconditioner met wifi


LG-S09ET airconditioner met wifi


LG-DC12RK DE LUXE airconditioner


LG-AC18SQ Artcool zilver airconditioner


LG-AC12SQ Artcool zilver airconditioner


LG-AC09SQ Artcool airconditioner


LG-UQ18F NA0 / UUB1 U20 vloermodel airconditioner


LG-UQ12F NA0 / UUA1 UL0 vloermodel airconditioner


LG-UQ09F NA0 / UUA1 UL0 vloermodel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM50Wi Zen wit airconditioner


Daikin FTXM71R binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRF 35 ZMX-S vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRF 25 ZMX-S vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 35 ZS-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZS-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZS-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 25 ZS-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZS-WT binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZS-WB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK 20 ZS-W binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 50 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 45 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SCM 40 ZS-W buitendeel airconditioner


isolatie tape


Beugel set gegalvaniseerd groot + 4 dempers




Afpomp unit


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZSP-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZSP-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZSP-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZS-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZS-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZS-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZS-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZS-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZS-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZS-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZS-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZS-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZS-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZS-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZS-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 60 ZSX-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 60 ZSX-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 60 ZSX-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZSX-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 50 ZSX-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZSX-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 35 ZSX-WT airconditioner


Wifi module Mitsubishi electric


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZSX-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZSX-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 25 ZSX-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZSX-WB airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZSX-W airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRK / SRC 20 ZSX-WT airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSFH-M60i cassette model airconditioner


LG-MU4R27 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-AC09BK Artcool airconditioner binnendeel


LG-MU4R25 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-AC24BK Artcool zwart airconditioner


LG-AC18BK Artcool zwart airconditioner


LG-DC24RK DE LUXE airconditioner


LG-DC18RK DE LUXE airconditioner


LG-DC09RQ DE LUXE airconditioner


LG-AC12BK Artcool zwart airconditioner


LG-AC09BK Artcool zwart airconditioner


LG-S24EQ airconditioner


LG-S18EQ airconditioner


LG-S12EQ airconditioner


LG-S09EQ airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM35Wi Zen zwart airconditioner


LG-HM161MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,-


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM35Wi Zen zilver airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM35Wi Zen wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50-VKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z50-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z42-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ35-VKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z35-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ25-VKE zilver Etherea airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-Z25-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic KIT-XZ20-VKE Etherea zilver airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ50-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ42-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ35-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ25-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-4Z80TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-3Z68TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-3Z52TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM25Wi Zen zwart airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM25Wi Zen wit airconditioner


LG-MU3R21 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-MU3R19 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-MU2R17 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-MU2R15 buitendeel airconditioner


LG-A12FT Artcool Gallery airconditioner


LG-A09FT Artcool Gallery airconditioner


CAIROX WTW ventilatie systeem CHRU-TF 350




Mitsubishi WSH-HR50i airconditioner


Daikin FHA60A plafond airconditioner binnendeel


Daikin FHA50A plafond airconditioner binnendeel


Daikin FBA140A kanaalsysteem airconditioner 380 volt


Daikin FBA140A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FBA125A kanaalsysteem airconditioner 380 volt


Daikin FBA125A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FBA100A kanaalsysteem airconditioner 380 volt


Daikin FBA100A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FBA60A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FBA50A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FBA35A kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Gree GWHD(42)NK buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRF / SRC 50 ZS-W vloermodel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SRF / SRC 35 ZS-W vloermodel airconditioner


Gree 5 kw Fairy GWH18ACD binnendeel airconditioner


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD160PH


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD140PH


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD125PH


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD100PH


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD71P


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD50P


Gree kanaal systeem airconditioner GUD35P


Gree GWHD(36)NK buitendeel airconditioner


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD140T


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD160T


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD125T


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD71T


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD50T


Gree cassette model airconditioner GUD35T


Mitsubishi all in one FDCW100VNX-A + HMA100-S


Tesy 200 liter warmtepomp boiler HPWH 2.1 200 U 02


Mitsubishi all in one FDCW71VNX-A + HMK100


Mitsubishi all in one FDCW60VNX-A + HMK60


Mitsubishi FDCW100VNX-A + HSB100


LG-HM163MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,-


LG-HM143MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,-


LG-HM123MR.U34 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3975,-


LG-HM051MR-U44 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3075,-


LG-HM071MR-U44 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3075,-


Mitsubishi SRF / SRC 25 ZS-W vloermodel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AP71i airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AP60i airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-HR35i airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-HR25i airconditioner


CVDry-12 lucht ontvochtiger 12 liter


Daikin FTXC35 airconditioner set


Daikin FTXC50 airconditioner set


Daikin FTXC60 airconditioner set


CVDry-20 lucht ontvochtiger 20 liter


Daikin FHA125A plafond airconditioner / 380 volt


Daikin FHA140A plafond airconditioner / 380 volt


Daikin FTXC20 airconditioner set


Daikin FTXC25 airconditioner set


Panasonic KIT-Z20-VKE Etherea wit airconditioner


Panasonic CU-2Z41TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CU-2Z50TBE buitendeel airconditioner


Panasonic CS-TZ20-TKE binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP25VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-2F42VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-3F68VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MXZ-4F72VF buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-AP35VGK binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-AP50wi airconditioner


Daikin FVXM35A vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FVXM50A vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN25i Red airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN25i Black airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN25i White airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN35i Red airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN35i Black airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN35i White airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN50i Red airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN50i Black airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN50i White airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN60i Red airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN60i Black airconditioner


Mitsubishi WSH-LN60i White airconditioner


300 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


160 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar


200 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar


300 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar EV12S 300 65


400 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar EV 11S 400 75


500 liter buffervat met 1 warmtewisselaar EV15S 500 75


160 liter buffervat met 2 warmtewisselaars


200 liter buffervat zonder warmtewisselaar


Daikin 5MXM90A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXM20R binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXM25R binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXM50R binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA35AW wit binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA50 binnendeel airconditioner (W) - Daikin FTXA50BT hout binnendeel


Daikin FTXA20BS zilver binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA25BS zilver binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA35BS zilver binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA42BS zilver binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA20BT Zwarthout binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA25BT Zwarthout binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA35BT Zwarthout binnendeel airconditioner


Gree GWH12ACC Fairy airconditioner


Gree GWH18ACD Fairy airconditioner


Gree GWH24ACE Fairy airconditioner


Witte goot per meter 90 mm


Daikin FTXA42AW Stylish wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA42BS Stylish zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA42BT Stylish Blackwood airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA50AW Stylish wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA50BS Stylish zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA50BT Stylish blackwood airconditioner set


Daikin FTXF20 Sensira airconditioner set


Daikin 3MXM40A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA20AW wit binnendeel airconditioner


Gree Amber GWH12YD Nordic


Gree Amber GWH18YE Nordic


Gree Amber GWH24YE Nordic


Gree GWH09ACC Fairy airconditioner


Daikin FTXA25AW wit binnendeel airconditioner


Beugel klein RVS


Gree GEH09AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner


Gree GEH12AA Nordic vloermodel airconditioner


Daikin FTXA20AW Stylish wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA20BS Stylish zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA20BT Stylish Blackwood airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA25AW Stylish wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA25BS Stylish zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA25BT Stylish blackwood airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA35AW Stylish wit airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA35BS Stylish zilver airconditioner set


Daikin FTXA35BT Stylish blackwood airconditioner set


Wifi module universeel


Daikin FTXM20R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM25R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM35R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM42R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM50R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP20L airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM60R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXM71R airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP35L airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP50L airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP60L airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP71L airconditioner set


Gree GWHD(28)NK3 buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin 2MXM40A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin 2MXM50A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin 3MXM68A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin 3MXM52A buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXP35 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FVXM25A vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Gree GWHD(18)NK buitendeel airconditioner


Gree GWHD(24)NK3 buitendeel airconditioner


Gree KIT GRS-CQ16Pd/NaE-M warmtepomp SUBSIDIE € 3300


Daikin FCAG125B cassette model airconditioner / 380V


Daikin FHA50A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA60A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA71A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA100A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA125A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA140A plafond airconditioner


Daikin FHA100A / RZASG100MY1 plafond airconditioner / 380V


Daikin FTXJ20MW Emura wit airconditioner set


6 KW Daikin FFA60A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


3,5 KW Daikin FCAG35A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


5 KW Daikin FCAG50A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


6 KW Daikin FCAG60A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FCAG50B cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi FDCW60VNX-A + HSB60 + pomp + bediening paneel


Gree GWH12UB NORDIC airconditioner


Wifi module Daikin


Mitsubishi WSH-EFM25Wi Zen zilver airconditioner


Mitsubishi VSH-M35i vloermodel airconditioner


Mitsubishi VSH-M50i vloermodel airconditioner


Daikin FVXM35A vloermodel airconditioner


Daikin FVXM50A vloermodel airconditioner


Daikin FTXP25 binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXZ35N Ururu Sarara airconditioner set


Daikin FTXZ50N Ururu Sarara airconditioner set


Daikin FCAG35B cassette model airconditioner


LG-HM091MR-U44 monobloc warmtepomp Subsidie €3075,-


3,5 KW Daikin FFA35A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


5 KW Daikin FFA50A cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SPLZ-100VBA cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SPLZ-125VBA cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi SPLZ-140VBA cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSH-RP71i cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSH-RP100i cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSH-RP125i cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FCAG71B cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FFA25A cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FFA35A cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FFA50A cassette model airconditioner


Daikin FFA60A cassette model airconditioner


Panasonic CU-4E23PBE buitendeel airconditioner


Daikin FDXM25F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FDXM35F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FDXM50F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FDXM60F kanaalsysteem airconditioner


Daikin FDXM25F kanaal systeem binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FDXM35F kanaal systeem binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FDXM50F kanaal systeem binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FDXM60F kanaal systeem binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF35VGKW binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF50VGKB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF50VGKS binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MFZ-KT25VG vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MFZ-KT35VG vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MFZ-KT50VG vloermodel binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SLZ-M25FA cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SLZ-M35FA cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi SLZ-M50FA cassette model binnendeel airconditioner


Daikin FTXZ25N Ururu Sarara airconditioner set


Daikin FTXP25L airconditioner set


Mitsubishi MXZ-5E102VA buitendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF25VGKB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF25VGKS binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF25VGKW binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF35VGKB binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi MSZ-EF35VGKS binnendeel airconditioner


Mitsubishi VSH-M25i vloermodel airconditioner


Klein materiaal


Dakdoorvoerset 75mm


Dakdoorvoerset 110mm


Condenspomp met lekbak


Condensslang voor condenspomp


Condenspomp Sauermann SI-PE5000 Verdringerpomp


Wit T stuk 90 mm


Flamco rails, per 2 meter lengte


Draadstang M8, 1 meter, per stuk


Mitsubishi CSFH-M25i cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSFH-M35i cassette model airconditioner


Mitsubishi CSFH-M50i cassette model airconditioner


Meter koelleiding 1/4-1/2


Meter koelleiding 3/8 – 5/8


Daikin FVXM25A vloermodel airconditioner


Beugel wit voor 2 – 2,5 en 3,5 kw incl set dempers


Beugel wit voor 5 tot… kw incl + 4 dempers


Witte platte bocht 90 mm


Witte muurkap 90 mm


Witte binnenbocht 90 mm


Meter Koelleiding 1/4 – 5/8


Witte koppelstuk 90 mm


Condenspomp in goot


Condensslang 18mm per meter


Meter 4 x 1/4 kabel


Balken set 100cm zwaar kunststof+4 matjes


Meter Koelleiding 1/4-3/8


Warmtepomp subsidie informatie


LG WTW LZ-H100GXN4 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H080GXN4 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H050GXN4 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H200GBA5 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H150GBA5 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H100GBA5 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H080GBA5 + remote


LG WTW LZ-H050GBA5 + remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-150 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-100 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-80 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-65 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-50 RVX incl.remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-35 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-25 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie LGH-15 RVX incl. remote


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie VL-100EU5-E


Mitsubishi WTW ventilatie VL-50ES2-E


Airco cover klein wit voor buiten unit


Airco cover groot wit voor buiten unit


in bedrijf stellen airco


Compleet installatie pakket 3/8-5/8 met balken


Compleet installatie pakket 3/8-5/8 met beugel


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-5/8 met balken


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-5/8 met beugel


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-1/2 met balken


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-1/2 met beugel


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-3/8 met balken


Ruimte thermostaat Romeo S


Airco cover groot Houtlook


Compleet installatie pakket 1/4-3/8 met beugel


test 3 meter leiding 1/4 - 3/8


RDP20 Verbindingsmof voor flexhose


Muurbeugel zwart voor 5 tot… kw


Muurbeugel zwart voor 2 – 2,5 en 3,5 kw


Condensslang 18mm verloop set


18mm verloop set voor condensslang


Comfortklimaat B.V.

Langeweg 56B


Nieuwe Tonge, Netherlands

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